Reselling means buying a server or a web hosting reseller package, dividing it into smaller packages or users and selling it again to clients for a recurring fee. Every website needs a web server to function. It is most relevant to small businesses with a few page website and one or two e-mail addresses. For those type of clients, small packages with a monthly fee is the best choice.
Web hosting reseller allows you to isolate users from one another, so neither of them can see what’s hosted on the same server. Also, neither of one user’s websites can affect another user’s websites.
How to Make Profit from Reselling?
An average small website takes about 500 MB of disk space and a similar amount of bandwidth. You can take a dollar or less from a client for hosting a website, while the package itself may cost about 5-10 dollars per month. This means that you will need only a handful of clients to already gain profit from the package.
Reseller hosting is a great way to make additional profit for those who create and manage small sites already. It allows them to make sure hosting resources are sufficient for the website to function and, if the website gets more traffic, receive higher fee from their clients.
Benefits of Reseller Web Hosting Package
The main benefit of owning a Reseller Hosting package is that you do not need to manage server configuration, upgrades, and data back-ups as it is already taken care of by the primary provider.
Benefits of becoming a reseller of our web hosting package:
– You need just a few clients to gain a profit from hosting;
– No need to think about server management, upgrades, and back-ups;
– Start with a small package and upgrade it when in need of more resources;
– Easy-to-use free “Let’s Encrypt” certificates;
– Isolates one site from another for easier user management;
– Unlimited users for creation;
– Easy-to-install scripts and content management systems with “Installatron” apps;
– Several PHP versions to choose from (5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1).
Where to Start?
If you have only a few clients or no clients yet, our recommendation would be to start with the smallest reseller package. Later on, when you need more resources, there is a possibility to upgrade the package to a bigger one.
If you already have a number of customers, you should look into the resources provided when buying the package. All the resources provided should be considered: disk space, a number of websites, e-mail accounts, available bandwidth, and databases.
Before ordering, make sure you know how the control panel looks like and how you will have to manage your clients’ accounts. For example, our reseller packages use DirectAdmin control panel and you can try out a demo version here https://www.hostens.com/demo/user.html
Do you have any thoughts our questions about our Reseller packages? Contact our support team via Client Area here https://billing.hostens.com/tickets/new/ , email ([email protected]), or a live chat.