With a focus on individuals as well as small businesses, Hostens has introduced a VPN service. Hostens VPN service is safe, fast, and reliable. Furthermore, it is available in three continents: Europe, North America, and Asia.
As a significant part of everyday applications is unsafe, according to Hostens CEO Arvydas Strausas, Virtual Private Network (VPN) is used to ensure users’ private browsing, online privacy and security, while they communicate over the internet.
“We use plenty of various applications each day. In fact, not all of them are secure. At the end of the day, insecure browsing can end with a theft of our passwords or other personal information. Basically, the VPN service is one of the most reliable solutions to protect ourselves from it”, – sums up Mrs Strausas.
Ad networks track their potential customers from site to site, internet providers log the pages they have visited, while hackers target internet users if there is even a slightest possibility to do that. When using the VPN service, the internet traffic is encrypted, thus making it unreadable. Therefore, such data as your location or information about sites visited cannot be tracked. Based on the expertise of online security professionals, VPN service puts another layer of protection and significantly reduces the number of criminal actions on the internet.
Hostens VPN encrypts traffic with AES-256. Also, this system does not require complicated and time-consuming set-up processes.
You can find more details including prices here https://www.hostens.com/virtual-private-network/