
How to create an email signature in Roundcube and Horde?

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  5. How to create an email signature in Roundcube and Horde?

How to create an email signature in Roundcube and Horde?

Our webmail options allow clients to set up custom signatures for their email responses. So here is the guide on how to do that.


1. Log in to your cPanel and navigate to Email Accounts;
2. Then chose an email account for which you want to create a signature and click on Check Email;
3. Select Roundcube if not already your default webmail;
4. Then click on Settings;
5. On the Settings page, click on the Identities tab;
6. Double click on the email address that you want to create a signature for;
7. Now, you can enter your custom signature in the Signature field;
8.Once you finish, click on Save.

Also, Roundcube email software allows creating the HTML signature. The HTML signature has many options like the font of the text, color, or even add images to your signature. So if you want to use HTML in your signature, you need to follow these steps:

1. Click on Settings;
2. Click on Preferences;
3. Click on Composing Messages;
4. Click on Always for the Compose HTML messages;

5. Click Save to save your preferences.


1. Log in to your cPanel and navigate to Email Accounts;
2. Then chose an email account for which you want to create a signature and click on Check Email;
3. Select Horde if not already your default webmail;
4. Click on the Gear Icon –> Preferences –>Mail;
5. Then select Personal Information;
6. Add your signature in the Signature Box.
7. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Note. If you want to use HTML in your signature, then you should use the HTML editor. If you leave the HTML editor blank, then the text signature will be used.


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